I'd say the resemblance is pretty darn close!
Our little peanut is getting so big! She turned 7 months old last week - it's hard to believe she's already 16 lbs. 12 ounces.
Here are some of Charlotte's favorite things right now: she loves to take a bath - she is out of the sling part and she enjoys splashing around with her rubber ducky and seeing bubbles in the water. Right now I am putting her to sleep with her favorite songs: Silent Night, and Rosy Raccoon (a song my mom made up for me when I was a baby).
Rosy Raccoon she likes to fish all day
She likes to fish all night
She likes to fish, fish, fish
Til the moon was bright
Her name was Rosy
Rosy, Racoon
She likes watching cartoons with daddy (especially Spongebob Squarepants and Looney Tunes). She loves to pull my hair and touch my face and stick her fingers in my mouth. That last one is especially funny to her. She is obsessed with watching Bruiser - and laughs at him constantly. She likes playing the keyboard and jumping in her jumper. She likes to take naps snuggled close to my chest which I just love. She is still only saying "dada" for now and I'm throwing "mama" out there every chance I get. Her laugh when I oink like a pig is hilarious.
I'm still nursing Charlotte and it's been going great. Pumping at work still isn't fun, but knowing that I'm boosting her immunity and helping her to grow strong keeps me motivated. My original goal was to breastfeed for 6 months. That came and went! My new goal is at least 9 months. Ideally I'd like to do it for 12 months but we'll see what happens. She is such a good eater. She loves sweet potatoes, prunes, bananas, apples, and squash (all organic, of course). My hairdresser Rosa who has a 10 month old recently told me about Stonyfields yogurt which I tried for the first time today and she just loved it! I mixed it with a little bit of rice cereal and she ate every last bite of the package. It was the blueberry flavor. I'll need to stock up on some more of those.
We had a little bit of a scare with pink eye recently, luckily she had a super mild case of it and it cleared up on its own in two days - we didn't have to put the drops in - the doctor advised to see if it would clear on its own and it did. That's the downside of daycare - even when you take your baby to a facility as great as the one we do they are still going to get sick. I am very thankful it was not a major illness and she is A-OK now.
As I mentioned on my last post, she's starting crawling officially! Here is a video I made of Charlotte's first time crawling: http://youtu.be/U45AEdKPAWY
That's it for now. I'm busy packing for Grand Cayman during any down time I get. That's next month -- April 24-29. I know Birdy, Auntie S and I can't wait to share in peanut's first ever girls trip!
Hope everyone has a nice spring!