My beautiful, friendly, darling girl turned 9 months old last week, and I can't believe how fast it's going! When you're pregnant, all you can think about is the birth, and what to expect during labor and delivery. When the baby is born all you can think is that you've never loved anyone so much in the entire world and your life takes on a whole new meaning. Now that Charlotte is older, I just want time to slow down. I saw families celebrating high school graduation over the weekend and thought to myself, "Holy crap. That's going to be Charlotte before I can blink my eye!"
Having a child is an excellent reminder to slow down and appreciate life. We only get one shot in this fast-paced, technology-driven, crazy world. Seeing it through the eyes of a 9 month old is truly a blessing. Charlotte loves people. Everyday I call school to check on her the founder says to me, "Charlotte is just THE FRIENDLIEST BABY EVER!" And I agree. She is very curious about people. I've been trying to put my cell phone down more and talk to people in elevators, on the street, etc. Charlotte loves animals. When we took her to the zoo for our 6 year anniversary it was wonderful to see her react to the new animals she saw. She especially loved the giraffe, and the turtle.
mommy and Charlotte after feeding giant Sophie
admiring the turtle with dada
I love snuggling with my little girl more than anything. I try to hold her close, smell her skin, take in the moment, and appreciate all that she has brought into my life.
Have I mentioned I love being a mommy?! :)
Next up on our adventure: Oak Island, North Carolina for 7 nights and our first Father's Day for dada!