Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What I'm Thankful For...

This time of year always makes me extra emotional. Sending Charlotte off to school today in her turkey dress - the same one that was huge on her last year - and now fits her perfectly - makes me realize just how quickly time is passing. Although there are days where it seems like the hours and minutes drag on, it's important for me to remember to be thankful for everything I have been blessed with.

This post is just shy of 9 years in the making and if you're still reading then it's time! I have a big announcement! Sam and I both made big changes in our work careers about 6 months ago. Sam took a new role in a new company, and I moved into a sales role in mine. My new bosses believe me in and push me to go bigger and better. They trust me to do a good job. They know that I can and will do a fantastic job from anywhere. Which is why when I asked if I could work remotely, they said "yes."

Which means: I'm finally moving back home to Pennsylvania!

Sam and Charlotte are coming too, of course, and we couldn't be more excited/scared/thrilled at this next chapter in our lives! I know selling our home in Shaker Heights, buying a new home in the Greensburg/Latrobe area, and just the process of moving 9 years worth of stuff to a different state will be challenging. But right now I'm envisioning myself a year from now, writing this post from the comfort of my home, just minutes away from my mom, dad, brother, and friends, and I'm happy and content and know the work was worth it.

I'll be using the best darn real estate agent in Pennsylvania to help me - none other than the talented, patient, and negotiating pro - Robin Hauger (my mom!) She already has some homes lined up for us to see this weekend, and I'm thrilled to see what more land and space looks like. My family will be able to see Charlotte more often, and I'm excited to do more mother/daughter activities and spend more time with my dad and brother. I'm so lucky they're going to get to see Charlotte grow up and be a more integral part of our lives. I'm looking forward to catching up with friends from back home, and making new ones too.

I am grateful for the memories and opportunities Cleveland has presented to us over the last 9 years. It will be hard to leave the family and friends we have here, absolutely. But last night as the three of us all piled onto an air bed in our living room to watch "The Wizard of Oz," I couldn't help but smile at Dorothy's line, "there's no place like home."

Wishing you and your families a safe, blessed, and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


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