I met Dana Roberts (now Dana Early) the very first day of my freshman year at Westminster College. She was my next door neighbor in Jeffers Hall and quickly became one of my best friends. We liked the same TV shows (this was the year of Trista and Ryan on "The Bachelor" so that was a staple program for us), we both loved horses, and eventually joined the same sorority (Alpha Gamma Delta - go squirrels!) Our sophomore, junior, and senior years we lived together on our sorority suite and in many ways, we grew up together. The majority of my fond college memories involve Dana in some way - whether it was getting "gassed" at the Phi Tau house, pranking Laura B's bed, or driving to Applebee's happy hours listening to Michael Jackson and Nat King Cole - we were pretty inseparable those four years.
As we grew older and I moved away from Pittsburgh to Cleveland I saw Dana less though we'd always keep in touch via email, phone, and social media. I got married in May '08, she got married a few months later in October. We were bridesmaids for each other and got to share in the happiest day of our lives together.
It wasn't too long before Dana told me she was pregnant. Knowing she always wanted a family, I was naturally ecstatic for her. She had a healthy baby boy, named William.
Now that she has had her second child, she is just like the rest of us moms and struggles to find the perfect balance between career and family.
Read on for more of our interview together...
the happy family of four
Cleveland Mommy Diary (CMD): Dana, thank you for taking time to interview with me today. First off, how many children do you have and what are their names and ages?
Dana: Will (24 months) and Haddie (4 months)
CMD: Were there any differences you noticed with your second pregnancy, or anything that eased your mind since you had gone through this before?
Dana: I definitely got bigger quicker the second time around. I was less worried about certain pains and changes this time around since I knew what to expect and had asked those questions the first time around.
I carried Haddie much higher than I did with Will, at least it felt like I did. I also had more heartburn and she was born with wild crazy hair. So perhaps that wives tale is true.
It was also much easier to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and real contractions. There was no confusing the two this time.
CMD: How much maternity leave did you get with both Will and Haddie?
Dana: 12 weeks with each child
CMD: You utilize daycare services. What do you like and dislike about daycare?
Dana: I am very fortunate to have daycare at my place of employment. I am able to nurse Haddie over lunch and see Will during the day. It is also very easy to run down there if any of the teachers have a concern they wish to discuss. I also like the teachers that my children have. They have a genuine concern about the well-being of the children they teach.
What I like least... Even though I really like the staff at the daycare, there seems to be a very high turnover. It has never been a problem for us so far, however I believe a little better consistency would be beneficial for the kids.
CMD: What was your biggest worry or concern before Haddie was born?
Dana: I was mostly worried about how exactly I was going to manage two children and wanting to make sure Haddie didn't get the short end of the stick for being second. Her "firsts" are just as important Will's. This is actually still something I worry about.
CMD: How did Will react to the baby at first and how is he reacting now?
Dana: Will loves baby Haddie. We talked a lot about her before she arrived and it seemed to help. He loves helping out with Haddie but definitely needs to be reminded of being gentle with her.
CMD: When did you and Josh (and Will!) know that you were ready for another child?
Dana: Honestly we planned from the beginning to have them close in age since we are both close in age with our siblings. I might need a few years before I can officially answer if that was a good idea or not.
CMD: I remember when Charlotte was born I was not prepared for how hard it would be to send her to daycare. What was something that you were not prepared for either the first or second time around?
Dana: Really the thing that I think about most is the first time Will said a word that I know I hadn't taught him. It was "cow". So he learned it at daycare which is a good thing as they are supposed to learn things at school. However it made me sad and somewhat jealous that I couldn't be with him all day to teach him everything he needs to know.
CMD: Since you work full time, how do you find that work/life balance that so many of us struggle with? Do you struggle with it at all?
Dana: Umm, I am still working on this one. I have been back to work now for a month and feel like I am running around with my head cut off at least half of the day. I want to be a great mother and wife and also successful at my job. So I would love suggestions from other moms about how to make this happen.
CMD: What would be some advice for moms out there thinking of baby number two?
Dana: Enjoy going to the grocery store now with just one child. It is impossible to go with an infant and a toddler. That being said even though Haddie is only four months I can't imagine her not being here. It is incredibly easy to love two kids and I wouldn't change it.
CMD: What is the worst parenting advice you ever received?
Dana: Haddie has wild crazy hair. Someone told me to cut it off. "It's her signature hair, crazy person," is what I wanted to say.
CMD: And what was the best advice?
Dana: Pick your battles. Not everything is worth worrying or arguing about because you will drive yourself crazy if you try to make everything perfect.
The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.
Hubert H. Humphrey
Once again thank you, Dana, for not only sharing your story with my blog, but also for being such a wonderful and dear person and friend. I wish you and your adorable family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Note: if you are interested in being interviewed for a future "Meet the Mommies" article, please contact me at amanda.meriwether@yahoo.com.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Mom's One Year Older
I really need to make more time to blog. The funny thing about time is that you never seem to have enough of it. I start my day waking up at 5 a.m. and getting dressed and sometimes wanding my hair (although that has proven deadly at that hour of day and has led to a few burn marks). Then I walk Bruiser for 15 minutes before dashing to catch the 5:53 train. I have an 8 minute walk from Tower City to my work and after a quick stop by Starbucks I'm usually walking into the office around 6:40 a.m. I leave anywhere between 3:30 and 4 most days, and by the time I get to school and pick up my favorite girl and head home, it's almost 5 p.m. It's quick dinners at my house with Sam doing most of the cooking these days and I spend the time feeding Charlotte and reading her stories or having playtime.
Since Cleveland decided to have an early winter it's really been limiting our outdoor time, so we've been having dance parties in the basement! She usually starts to get cranky around 6:30 p.m. and then it is bathtime and maybe a couple more stories before a big bottle and some songs from me. My favorite part of the day is putting her to bed. I've been singing to Charlotte our Hodie chant (one of the songs we'll perform at Saint Dominic's Christmas concert on Dec. 14). She doesn't like to be turned sideways anymore, she just snuggles chest to chest with me and puts her head on my shoulder. I sing to her for a few minutes and rock her and then kiss her goodnight and put her in her crib. She always rolls onto her side and after a few sweet words I close the door. After that it's 2 hours to get everything else done which includes grocery shopping, cleaning, watching TV, or in the case tonight, working out! During the week Charlotte is usually in bed by 6:45 or 7 p.m. When I actually think about how much time I spend with her it's a bit depressing (usually 2 hours and 40 minutes a day).
I've been rethinking a lot of things lately about how I spend my time. I stumbled across this quote recently, one of my favorites from Mitch Albom's book, Tuesdays with Morrie.
I need to create more. I need to get back in touch with my creative side. I also need to be more active (hence the workout tonight). I don't want to wait until the new year to make resolutions that will fall short. I am talking real change here folks!
Enough with the philosophical and onto some cute photos of the real meaning and light in my life.

It's amazing to me how quickly she is growing up. Everyone says it happens so fast, but when it happens to you and your family it makes your insides feel weird and you really start to question the big things.
Don't believe me? Here is Charlotte from my birthday celebration last year.

Charlotte, Nov. 16, 2013

And one year later...
Charlotte, Nov. 16, 2014
Since Cleveland decided to have an early winter it's really been limiting our outdoor time, so we've been having dance parties in the basement! She usually starts to get cranky around 6:30 p.m. and then it is bathtime and maybe a couple more stories before a big bottle and some songs from me. My favorite part of the day is putting her to bed. I've been singing to Charlotte our Hodie chant (one of the songs we'll perform at Saint Dominic's Christmas concert on Dec. 14). She doesn't like to be turned sideways anymore, she just snuggles chest to chest with me and puts her head on my shoulder. I sing to her for a few minutes and rock her and then kiss her goodnight and put her in her crib. She always rolls onto her side and after a few sweet words I close the door. After that it's 2 hours to get everything else done which includes grocery shopping, cleaning, watching TV, or in the case tonight, working out! During the week Charlotte is usually in bed by 6:45 or 7 p.m. When I actually think about how much time I spend with her it's a bit depressing (usually 2 hours and 40 minutes a day).
I've been rethinking a lot of things lately about how I spend my time. I stumbled across this quote recently, one of my favorites from Mitch Albom's book, Tuesdays with Morrie.
“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
I need to create more. I need to get back in touch with my creative side. I also need to be more active (hence the workout tonight). I don't want to wait until the new year to make resolutions that will fall short. I am talking real change here folks!
Enough with the philosophical and onto some cute photos of the real meaning and light in my life.
It's amazing to me how quickly she is growing up. Everyone says it happens so fast, but when it happens to you and your family it makes your insides feel weird and you really start to question the big things.
Don't believe me? Here is Charlotte from my birthday celebration last year.
Charlotte, Nov. 16, 2013
And one year later...
Charlotte, Nov. 16, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The Ladybug and the Two Witches
Can anyone else believe it's November already? Holy smokestack October seemed to fly by at lightning speed! For Halloween this year, Charlotte went as a ladybug and received many compliments on her costume (thanks, Michelle!) Bonus: it kept her nice and warm too!

my little lady[bug]
Sam and I signed up to help the babies get dressed in their costumes at school but unfortunately he came back from traveling to Atlanta for work with the flu so he couldn't come. Luckily my mom was still in town from the Hocking Hills escapade (see that post here) and she came with me instead. Bird was a natural with all the babies and before I knew it she had a lion dressed and was working on someone else. I got stuck with the cheerleader outfit with 1,000 pieces to it so I really only dressed Charlotte and one other girl. Once they were all dressed and ready to trick or treat in the parking lot, Bird and I, along with two teachers, led the 10 children out for the annual "Trunk or Treat."
The babies had a nice time walking around and getting treats. I had brought a giant shopping bag that contained all of their smaller empty goody bags because no 14 month old will walk around holding a bag for more than 20 seconds! Score one for mom with that bright idea! Charlotte wanted Birdy to carry her the whole time, and so she did! That's what grandmas are for, right?

spoiled by grandma, the good witch!

witch and ladybug
When Trunk or Treat was over we headed home to get ready to pass out candy in Shaker Heights. Bird and I counted our loot - we had 407 pieces of candy. This may seem like a lot, but the kiddos come out in full force in my neighborhood! Bird, Charlotte, and I were all witches that night, and we gave out nearly all of the candy. Charlotte really enjoyed seeing all of the kids come to the door in their costumes too. She almost made it to the very end too, eventually I had to put her down at 7:45 pm and it was lights out for one little witch!

Charlotte, the good witch
On Saturday we had our Christmas photos taken and my mom was still in town to get an all girls photo with CharCat and I. I am hoping at least a few of them turned out well because she was not a very happy camper at 8:30 am yesterday. I blame myself actually. I should have picked a later time once she had woken up from her morning nap. Lesson learned!
What she's into lately: it's been so cold out so I've been keeping her inside a bit more otherwise we'd be at the playground every day going down the slide and meeting new friends. Charlotte likes to play in the third floor attic right now and scout for airplanes up there! She can also say a few more words: duck, outside (she says "outs") and ball. Once I got Miss CharTot to bed Bird and I watched "The Impossible" on the couch together. That movie really makes you appreciate your family so much. I recommend it for sure!
Today Birdy and Bella (Bruiser's sister, a Spanish Water Dog) left and we were sad to see them go. Once I got Charlotte down for her morning nap I went to church. It was the mass where our choir director sings all of the names of the deceased in the parish from that year. Families were also told to bring in a photo and display it on the window sills. Walking past photos of mothers, fathers, and even a little girl's photo was so sad. It makes me thankful that my family is healthy and that we are all together right now. I am so grateful for that. As I read Nancy Tillman's "Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You" tonight to my peanut, I couldn't help but hold her close and just savor the feeling of her warm little body next to mine. It's the little things that make this life so beautiful.

my 14 months old peanut

my little lady[bug]
Sam and I signed up to help the babies get dressed in their costumes at school but unfortunately he came back from traveling to Atlanta for work with the flu so he couldn't come. Luckily my mom was still in town from the Hocking Hills escapade (see that post here) and she came with me instead. Bird was a natural with all the babies and before I knew it she had a lion dressed and was working on someone else. I got stuck with the cheerleader outfit with 1,000 pieces to it so I really only dressed Charlotte and one other girl. Once they were all dressed and ready to trick or treat in the parking lot, Bird and I, along with two teachers, led the 10 children out for the annual "Trunk or Treat."
The babies had a nice time walking around and getting treats. I had brought a giant shopping bag that contained all of their smaller empty goody bags because no 14 month old will walk around holding a bag for more than 20 seconds! Score one for mom with that bright idea! Charlotte wanted Birdy to carry her the whole time, and so she did! That's what grandmas are for, right?

spoiled by grandma, the good witch!

witch and ladybug
When Trunk or Treat was over we headed home to get ready to pass out candy in Shaker Heights. Bird and I counted our loot - we had 407 pieces of candy. This may seem like a lot, but the kiddos come out in full force in my neighborhood! Bird, Charlotte, and I were all witches that night, and we gave out nearly all of the candy. Charlotte really enjoyed seeing all of the kids come to the door in their costumes too. She almost made it to the very end too, eventually I had to put her down at 7:45 pm and it was lights out for one little witch!

Charlotte, the good witch
On Saturday we had our Christmas photos taken and my mom was still in town to get an all girls photo with CharCat and I. I am hoping at least a few of them turned out well because she was not a very happy camper at 8:30 am yesterday. I blame myself actually. I should have picked a later time once she had woken up from her morning nap. Lesson learned!
What she's into lately: it's been so cold out so I've been keeping her inside a bit more otherwise we'd be at the playground every day going down the slide and meeting new friends. Charlotte likes to play in the third floor attic right now and scout for airplanes up there! She can also say a few more words: duck, outside (she says "outs") and ball. Once I got Miss CharTot to bed Bird and I watched "The Impossible" on the couch together. That movie really makes you appreciate your family so much. I recommend it for sure!
Today Birdy and Bella (Bruiser's sister, a Spanish Water Dog) left and we were sad to see them go. Once I got Charlotte down for her morning nap I went to church. It was the mass where our choir director sings all of the names of the deceased in the parish from that year. Families were also told to bring in a photo and display it on the window sills. Walking past photos of mothers, fathers, and even a little girl's photo was so sad. It makes me thankful that my family is healthy and that we are all together right now. I am so grateful for that. As I read Nancy Tillman's "Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You" tonight to my peanut, I couldn't help but hold her close and just savor the feeling of her warm little body next to mine. It's the little things that make this life so beautiful.

my 14 months old peanut
Monday, October 27, 2014
Surprise trip to Hocking Hills for my (early) 31st birthday
My husband, Sam, surprised me this past weekend with a "mystery trip" that he's been planning for months. About a week ago he finally broke the news to me, mainly because I had a work conflict that I needed to rearrange, and he was scared to pack for me (as any man should be for his wife), and he was also afraid that if I didn't have time to mentally prepare for leaving Charlotte that I wouldn't want to go! This trip was after all my first time leaving her overnight in 14 months!
My mom came up Thursday night and we went over Charlotte's schedule. Friday morning Sam and I were off - the destination still unknown for me at this point! As we traveled south in Ohio Sam kept asking me if I knew where we were headed. "I haven't a clue," I'd reply. And truthfully I did not! As we pulled onto Honey Fork road, I saw a sign for Hocking Hills and realized we had reached our destination! We had a beautiful house for the weekend, complete with a hot tub, pool table, and cute lodge vibe. As Sam and I started making our weekend "witch's brew" - a concoction of whiskey, cinnamon sticks, and apple cider (delicious!) he asked if I wanted to go outside. In the driveway I found Amy and Colin, two of my favorite friends. A little while later another dear friend, Laura B, showed up, and a little while after that my sister Samantha and her boyfriend, Klaus, arrived! I was so surprised and glad that they had all made the trek to Hocking Hills for my (early) 31st birthday celebration.
The first day and night we all just chatted, played games, caught up and utilized the hot tub. It was such a great time just hanging with my friends and making memories and laughing and being silly. Around midnight my dear friend Mallory arrived -- she had driven 7 hours from Virginia to be there. I was so happy she was there to spend the weekend with us.

my loving husband
The next morning, Sam told me he had another surprise for me. As we drove on crazy country roads we finally arrived at the Equestrian Ridge Farm! Horseback riding! I was absolutely thrilled! I had an Icelandic pony growing up (my dad bought Christopher for me when I was 8 years old) and I loved him so much. It was great to get back in the saddle!
First the owners paired us up with our respective horses (I had Rocky!) and then we mounted the horses (I actually made it onto my horse without using the steps -- pretty good for being only 5"1) and started practicing in the corralled arena. I was a little nervous because I had an English saddle, and I was used to a country one, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Once practice was over, we set out! The trail ride was an hour and a half long and we could not have had a better day for the ride. It was 68 degrees, sunny, and the leaves and scenery was simply stunning. A few times on the trail I caught myself admiring the beauty around me and the simplicity of riding a horse.

Rocky, my horse for the day. He was a very good boy.
Our group had a few laughs on the ride too. Laura had never been on a horse before (she got Duke - who was "very polite") and Sam got Bo who was acting like a misogynist that particular day and had to stay in the back. Bo did try to take a bite out of Rocky when he got too close at one point! The owners/instructors rode with us and gave us hands on instructions, which I needed at certain points when we were going down a steep hill or over a soft, muddy area. All of the horses did a fantastic job and everyone felt at ease. It surprised me how well Sam and Colin took to horseback riding since neither of them had been on a horse before. About twenty minutes into the ride they both looked like longtime cowboys! Klaus was also a natural and he told me he used to ride horses often in El Salvador. It surprised me how responsive Rocky was to my commands and how sore I was when I finally dismounted! I would recommend the horseback riding to anyone who wants an amazing experience in a beautiful backdrop.

on the trail - we look like pros!
In all, it was a fantastic weekend. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who would plan a trip like that for me, a wonderful mom who babysat my daughter, and amazing friends who would make the trip to be a part of it all.

plaid for days - country chic with my girls

the whole gang
P.S. Reuniting with Charlotte was fantastic and I gave her lots of hugs and kisses. :)
my 14 month old baby girl who loves her pumpkins
My mom came up Thursday night and we went over Charlotte's schedule. Friday morning Sam and I were off - the destination still unknown for me at this point! As we traveled south in Ohio Sam kept asking me if I knew where we were headed. "I haven't a clue," I'd reply. And truthfully I did not! As we pulled onto Honey Fork road, I saw a sign for Hocking Hills and realized we had reached our destination! We had a beautiful house for the weekend, complete with a hot tub, pool table, and cute lodge vibe. As Sam and I started making our weekend "witch's brew" - a concoction of whiskey, cinnamon sticks, and apple cider (delicious!) he asked if I wanted to go outside. In the driveway I found Amy and Colin, two of my favorite friends. A little while later another dear friend, Laura B, showed up, and a little while after that my sister Samantha and her boyfriend, Klaus, arrived! I was so surprised and glad that they had all made the trek to Hocking Hills for my (early) 31st birthday celebration.
The first day and night we all just chatted, played games, caught up and utilized the hot tub. It was such a great time just hanging with my friends and making memories and laughing and being silly. Around midnight my dear friend Mallory arrived -- she had driven 7 hours from Virginia to be there. I was so happy she was there to spend the weekend with us.
my loving husband
The next morning, Sam told me he had another surprise for me. As we drove on crazy country roads we finally arrived at the Equestrian Ridge Farm! Horseback riding! I was absolutely thrilled! I had an Icelandic pony growing up (my dad bought Christopher for me when I was 8 years old) and I loved him so much. It was great to get back in the saddle!
First the owners paired us up with our respective horses (I had Rocky!) and then we mounted the horses (I actually made it onto my horse without using the steps -- pretty good for being only 5"1) and started practicing in the corralled arena. I was a little nervous because I had an English saddle, and I was used to a country one, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Once practice was over, we set out! The trail ride was an hour and a half long and we could not have had a better day for the ride. It was 68 degrees, sunny, and the leaves and scenery was simply stunning. A few times on the trail I caught myself admiring the beauty around me and the simplicity of riding a horse.
Rocky, my horse for the day. He was a very good boy.
Our group had a few laughs on the ride too. Laura had never been on a horse before (she got Duke - who was "very polite") and Sam got Bo who was acting like a misogynist that particular day and had to stay in the back. Bo did try to take a bite out of Rocky when he got too close at one point! The owners/instructors rode with us and gave us hands on instructions, which I needed at certain points when we were going down a steep hill or over a soft, muddy area. All of the horses did a fantastic job and everyone felt at ease. It surprised me how well Sam and Colin took to horseback riding since neither of them had been on a horse before. About twenty minutes into the ride they both looked like longtime cowboys! Klaus was also a natural and he told me he used to ride horses often in El Salvador. It surprised me how responsive Rocky was to my commands and how sore I was when I finally dismounted! I would recommend the horseback riding to anyone who wants an amazing experience in a beautiful backdrop.
on the trail - we look like pros!
In all, it was a fantastic weekend. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who would plan a trip like that for me, a wonderful mom who babysat my daughter, and amazing friends who would make the trip to be a part of it all.
plaid for days - country chic with my girls
the whole gang
P.S. Reuniting with Charlotte was fantastic and I gave her lots of hugs and kisses. :)
my 14 month old baby girl who loves her pumpkins
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Moms: 12 Tips to Make it Through the Holidays
With only 64 days until Christmas, stores are already decorating their interiors and putting out the "hottest toys for 2014" lists. Read on for some of my best tips for how to manage it all without losing your cool.
1. Remember that it's not all about the gifts. My church announced they are starting to collect new and gently used bookbags for children in El Salvador. Not everyone has the same opportunities that we have. Instead of buying one more meaningless cashmere sweater, offer to sponsor a family in need this holiday season.
2. Take time for yourself. I know, I know. You hear this all the time. It's hard to find "couple time" let alone "alone time." My alone time typically consists of showering and drying my hair - what a treat! In all seriousness though, it's important to have quiet time to catch up on reading or two hours to get a massage and go to the salon because your roots are 3 inches long. Pick one day on the calendar and block it off as "MOM DAY!"
3. Take help when it is offered. For some reason taking someone up on their offer to help feels like a failure. I know I've had many friends and family members offer to help me out and I've never gotten back to them or just say, "It's fine, I am getting along great." Sometimes we need some help! If a friend offers to come over and babysit for an hour so you can go to the grocery store, doctor's appointment or to get some shopping done, remind yourself that you are not failing and reply, "Yes, that would be great. Thank you!"
4. Reconsider the visit to Santa. Last year I took Charlotte as a 4 month old and she was all smiles. I saw a lot of parents with older children though who were scared, screaming and crying. If your child is terrified of Santa, don't force them to sit on his lap. Ask your child what they would like to do! Maybe it is to go see Santa, but then they get nervous when their time is near. Remind them it was their idea to see him, but they can always change their mind too. Alternate ideas to the forced close proximity to Santa: snowball fight, build a snowman, bake some cookies together, create a keepsake holiday ornament with a recent photo.
5. Watch your favorite holiday movie with a glass of wine. My all time favorite is Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation. I think I have just about every line memorized at this point and it still makes me laugh to this day. The point is to watch something that makes you happy and reminiscient and it will be even funnier with a little buzz.
6. Set spending limits. Talk to your spouse/partner/significant other about what you can afford to spend this holiday season. Deciding upfront how much you'll spend rather than racking up credit cards with high interest rates is the better way to approach it. If you and your significant other decide not to exchange gifts this year to save some money (my husband and I did that last year) then be sure to do something small together. Even if it's just cuddling up together with some hot cocoa and watching your wedding video or looking at old photos together, it doesn't have to be expensive to be meaningful.
7. Start planning now to get holiday photos taken. I know it seems early, but I've already got my photo session booked for Nov. 1. If you plan to get cards in the mail and want some photos hanging before the actual holiday, best to get the outfit now and the photographer on the phone. Last year I waited too long and was rushing to get cards in the mail. This year I am thinking ahead so that come mid December I can be less stressed.
8. Try on your holiday dress a few weeks before Christmas/New Year's/etc. I made this mistake two years ago after I found out I was pregnant. I was barely showing but the dress my mom had bought me six weeks earlier no longer fit. I was hysterical and emotional and couldn't find a darn thing to wear - a recipe for disaster at 7 pm on Christmas Eve night! Even if you're sure the dress you plan to wear "still fits" give it a try. The worst thing to happen is my scenario above. Best case scenario is that you try it on, it doesn't fit, and you have an impromptu stop to H&M or Ann Taylor Loft in the works. (see #3 above for babysitting help)
9. Ask for what you want, not what you need. As moms, I think we immediately feel guilty if we want to indulge a little bit. This is the time of year to ask for something other than new cookware or bath towels! If you really want that $25 Nars Manhunt lipstick or $25 Diorshow mascara that normally you'd never think of buying, put it on the list! Maybe Santa thinks you look smoking hot with red lips and long lashes too.
10. Take lots of photos and videos. This may seem like a given but often times it's the day after Christmas, everyone is leaving and not looking their best, and this is suddenly when the family portait idea comes up. Make a timeline on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day and be sure to schedule that family shot when everyone (including you) is looking their best. The little ones grow up so fast and it's nice to have those keepsake photos and videos to look back on as they get older.
11. Laughter really is the best medicine. If something doesn't go right (your child cries during a holiday concert, or ruins their fancy Christmas dress with a crazy poopy diaper) laugh it off! We've all been there. Make sure you have a few friends who you can share these experiences with because in the end perfection is boring. It's the little things that make the holidays memorable.
12. Keep Calm and Remember There's New Years! If Christmas means the entire family is in town visiting, schedule a low key New Year's Eve. Last year Sam and I rang in 2014 with a cranky baby (we later found out she had an ear infection) while watching "Finding Nemo" with a bottle of Prosecco. Giving your loved ones a kiss at midnight is sometimes the best part of New Year's Eve night (well, for me it is anyway.)
Christmas 2013 - Charlotte (3.5 months, and Bruiser, 5 years old at the time)
1. Remember that it's not all about the gifts. My church announced they are starting to collect new and gently used bookbags for children in El Salvador. Not everyone has the same opportunities that we have. Instead of buying one more meaningless cashmere sweater, offer to sponsor a family in need this holiday season.
2. Take time for yourself. I know, I know. You hear this all the time. It's hard to find "couple time" let alone "alone time." My alone time typically consists of showering and drying my hair - what a treat! In all seriousness though, it's important to have quiet time to catch up on reading or two hours to get a massage and go to the salon because your roots are 3 inches long. Pick one day on the calendar and block it off as "MOM DAY!"
3. Take help when it is offered. For some reason taking someone up on their offer to help feels like a failure. I know I've had many friends and family members offer to help me out and I've never gotten back to them or just say, "It's fine, I am getting along great." Sometimes we need some help! If a friend offers to come over and babysit for an hour so you can go to the grocery store, doctor's appointment or to get some shopping done, remind yourself that you are not failing and reply, "Yes, that would be great. Thank you!"
4. Reconsider the visit to Santa. Last year I took Charlotte as a 4 month old and she was all smiles. I saw a lot of parents with older children though who were scared, screaming and crying. If your child is terrified of Santa, don't force them to sit on his lap. Ask your child what they would like to do! Maybe it is to go see Santa, but then they get nervous when their time is near. Remind them it was their idea to see him, but they can always change their mind too. Alternate ideas to the forced close proximity to Santa: snowball fight, build a snowman, bake some cookies together, create a keepsake holiday ornament with a recent photo.
5. Watch your favorite holiday movie with a glass of wine. My all time favorite is Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation. I think I have just about every line memorized at this point and it still makes me laugh to this day. The point is to watch something that makes you happy and reminiscient and it will be even funnier with a little buzz.
6. Set spending limits. Talk to your spouse/partner/significant other about what you can afford to spend this holiday season. Deciding upfront how much you'll spend rather than racking up credit cards with high interest rates is the better way to approach it. If you and your significant other decide not to exchange gifts this year to save some money (my husband and I did that last year) then be sure to do something small together. Even if it's just cuddling up together with some hot cocoa and watching your wedding video or looking at old photos together, it doesn't have to be expensive to be meaningful.
7. Start planning now to get holiday photos taken. I know it seems early, but I've already got my photo session booked for Nov. 1. If you plan to get cards in the mail and want some photos hanging before the actual holiday, best to get the outfit now and the photographer on the phone. Last year I waited too long and was rushing to get cards in the mail. This year I am thinking ahead so that come mid December I can be less stressed.
8. Try on your holiday dress a few weeks before Christmas/New Year's/etc. I made this mistake two years ago after I found out I was pregnant. I was barely showing but the dress my mom had bought me six weeks earlier no longer fit. I was hysterical and emotional and couldn't find a darn thing to wear - a recipe for disaster at 7 pm on Christmas Eve night! Even if you're sure the dress you plan to wear "still fits" give it a try. The worst thing to happen is my scenario above. Best case scenario is that you try it on, it doesn't fit, and you have an impromptu stop to H&M or Ann Taylor Loft in the works. (see #3 above for babysitting help)
9. Ask for what you want, not what you need. As moms, I think we immediately feel guilty if we want to indulge a little bit. This is the time of year to ask for something other than new cookware or bath towels! If you really want that $25 Nars Manhunt lipstick or $25 Diorshow mascara that normally you'd never think of buying, put it on the list! Maybe Santa thinks you look smoking hot with red lips and long lashes too.
10. Take lots of photos and videos. This may seem like a given but often times it's the day after Christmas, everyone is leaving and not looking their best, and this is suddenly when the family portait idea comes up. Make a timeline on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day and be sure to schedule that family shot when everyone (including you) is looking their best. The little ones grow up so fast and it's nice to have those keepsake photos and videos to look back on as they get older.
11. Laughter really is the best medicine. If something doesn't go right (your child cries during a holiday concert, or ruins their fancy Christmas dress with a crazy poopy diaper) laugh it off! We've all been there. Make sure you have a few friends who you can share these experiences with because in the end perfection is boring. It's the little things that make the holidays memorable.
12. Keep Calm and Remember There's New Years! If Christmas means the entire family is in town visiting, schedule a low key New Year's Eve. Last year Sam and I rang in 2014 with a cranky baby (we later found out she had an ear infection) while watching "Finding Nemo" with a bottle of Prosecco. Giving your loved ones a kiss at midnight is sometimes the best part of New Year's Eve night (well, for me it is anyway.)
Christmas 2013 - Charlotte (3.5 months, and Bruiser, 5 years old at the time)
Monday, October 20, 2014
Fall(ing) Behind
Fall, fall, fall. My favorite time of year. The crispness of the air, leaves falling gently, and an adventurous soon-to-be 14 month old exploring this lovely season. We've been having a blast this fall, starting off with a visit to Mapleside Farms for the Johnny Appleseed Festival.
Charlotte and her two older cousins, Henry and Teddy, had so much fun running around the farm. We explored a corn maze - Henry led us through it! And we saw tractors and a petting zoo and even had time to eat some french fries!
exploring the petting zoo
the three amigos!
Cousins having a blast
loving the pumpkin farm
Charlotte loved chasing Henry and Teddy around and couldn't get enough of the pumpkins. Grandma Jackie bought her a small one to take home, and mom was even able to snag some pepperoni bread! (score one for mom)
Next up we had a visit with some dear college friends and their 10 month old son, Rocco. Rocco and Charlotte loved experiencing the Cleveland zoo together in mid September. It was an absolutely beautiful day and we had so much fun meeting Rocco and catching up with Tommy and Adrianne. We saw all kinds of animals - everything from monkeys and snow leopards to koalas and grizzly bears! The Cleveland zoo is an awesome place for kids - I am thinking a zoo membership might be in order!
grizzly bear swimming in the water - check out his claws!
After the zoo we went back to our house for some downtime and dinner. We introduced Rocco to some of Charlotte's favorites - veggie straws and goldfish! Once dinner was finished (thanks to the guys for cooking grilled chicken, vegetables and red potatoes) it was time for Rocco's first wagon ride. Charlotte was a good host and shared her wagon very nicely with him.
wagon ride!
Early October brought on some sickness, which is the hardest part of being a mom for me. I hate when my baby is sick and there isn't much I am able to do for her. She had some sort of nasty virus (picked up from school no doubt) and a high fever. The doctor said to keep her hydrated and to use Tylenol for fever. This also conicided with Sam's annual guy's trip where they travel out of town for a Brown's game. This meant mommy was on call 24/7 which meant some long nights. Charlotte developed roseola from the virus, which meant more time out of school. They said there isn't anything you can do for the rash and that it isn't uncomfortable for the babies. Luckily it went away within a few days.
poor sick baby
Once she was feeling better, we took her to Mapleside Farms with the grandparents for round 2. Charlotte loved donning her new winter coat and hat and getting pulled around in her wagon!
family photo at the farm
wagon ride
It's been a terrific fall season thus far...next up, a visit from Grandbirdy because mom is going on a "mystery trip" with dad. This means my first night leaving Charlotte (I am starting to mentally prepare now!) I will keep you all updated on how that goes and perhaps Birdy will be a guest blogger to share her experience watching Miss CharTot for 2 whole days solo!
Hope everyone is well and taking some time to enjoy the small things in life.
my little girl playing with her toys
fun in the leaves with her new pink ball
love this little pumpkin more than words can say!
Charlotte and her two older cousins, Henry and Teddy, had so much fun running around the farm. We explored a corn maze - Henry led us through it! And we saw tractors and a petting zoo and even had time to eat some french fries!
exploring the petting zoo
the three amigos!
Cousins having a blast
loving the pumpkin farm
Charlotte loved chasing Henry and Teddy around and couldn't get enough of the pumpkins. Grandma Jackie bought her a small one to take home, and mom was even able to snag some pepperoni bread! (score one for mom)
Next up we had a visit with some dear college friends and their 10 month old son, Rocco. Rocco and Charlotte loved experiencing the Cleveland zoo together in mid September. It was an absolutely beautiful day and we had so much fun meeting Rocco and catching up with Tommy and Adrianne. We saw all kinds of animals - everything from monkeys and snow leopards to koalas and grizzly bears! The Cleveland zoo is an awesome place for kids - I am thinking a zoo membership might be in order!
grizzly bear swimming in the water - check out his claws!
After the zoo we went back to our house for some downtime and dinner. We introduced Rocco to some of Charlotte's favorites - veggie straws and goldfish! Once dinner was finished (thanks to the guys for cooking grilled chicken, vegetables and red potatoes) it was time for Rocco's first wagon ride. Charlotte was a good host and shared her wagon very nicely with him.
wagon ride!
Early October brought on some sickness, which is the hardest part of being a mom for me. I hate when my baby is sick and there isn't much I am able to do for her. She had some sort of nasty virus (picked up from school no doubt) and a high fever. The doctor said to keep her hydrated and to use Tylenol for fever. This also conicided with Sam's annual guy's trip where they travel out of town for a Brown's game. This meant mommy was on call 24/7 which meant some long nights. Charlotte developed roseola from the virus, which meant more time out of school. They said there isn't anything you can do for the rash and that it isn't uncomfortable for the babies. Luckily it went away within a few days.
poor sick baby
Once she was feeling better, we took her to Mapleside Farms with the grandparents for round 2. Charlotte loved donning her new winter coat and hat and getting pulled around in her wagon!
family photo at the farm
wagon ride
It's been a terrific fall season thus far...next up, a visit from Grandbirdy because mom is going on a "mystery trip" with dad. This means my first night leaving Charlotte (I am starting to mentally prepare now!) I will keep you all updated on how that goes and perhaps Birdy will be a guest blogger to share her experience watching Miss CharTot for 2 whole days solo!
Hope everyone is well and taking some time to enjoy the small things in life.
my little girl playing with her toys
fun in the leaves with her new pink ball
love this little pumpkin more than words can say!
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