my little lady[bug]
Sam and I signed up to help the babies get dressed in their costumes at school but unfortunately he came back from traveling to Atlanta for work with the flu so he couldn't come. Luckily my mom was still in town from the Hocking Hills escapade (see that post here) and she came with me instead. Bird was a natural with all the babies and before I knew it she had a lion dressed and was working on someone else. I got stuck with the cheerleader outfit with 1,000 pieces to it so I really only dressed Charlotte and one other girl. Once they were all dressed and ready to trick or treat in the parking lot, Bird and I, along with two teachers, led the 10 children out for the annual "Trunk or Treat."
The babies had a nice time walking around and getting treats. I had brought a giant shopping bag that contained all of their smaller empty goody bags because no 14 month old will walk around holding a bag for more than 20 seconds! Score one for mom with that bright idea! Charlotte wanted Birdy to carry her the whole time, and so she did! That's what grandmas are for, right?

spoiled by grandma, the good witch!

witch and ladybug
When Trunk or Treat was over we headed home to get ready to pass out candy in Shaker Heights. Bird and I counted our loot - we had 407 pieces of candy. This may seem like a lot, but the kiddos come out in full force in my neighborhood! Bird, Charlotte, and I were all witches that night, and we gave out nearly all of the candy. Charlotte really enjoyed seeing all of the kids come to the door in their costumes too. She almost made it to the very end too, eventually I had to put her down at 7:45 pm and it was lights out for one little witch!

Charlotte, the good witch
On Saturday we had our Christmas photos taken and my mom was still in town to get an all girls photo with CharCat and I. I am hoping at least a few of them turned out well because she was not a very happy camper at 8:30 am yesterday. I blame myself actually. I should have picked a later time once she had woken up from her morning nap. Lesson learned!
What she's into lately: it's been so cold out so I've been keeping her inside a bit more otherwise we'd be at the playground every day going down the slide and meeting new friends. Charlotte likes to play in the third floor attic right now and scout for airplanes up there! She can also say a few more words: duck, outside (she says "outs") and ball. Once I got Miss CharTot to bed Bird and I watched "The Impossible" on the couch together. That movie really makes you appreciate your family so much. I recommend it for sure!
Today Birdy and Bella (Bruiser's sister, a Spanish Water Dog) left and we were sad to see them go. Once I got Charlotte down for her morning nap I went to church. It was the mass where our choir director sings all of the names of the deceased in the parish from that year. Families were also told to bring in a photo and display it on the window sills. Walking past photos of mothers, fathers, and even a little girl's photo was so sad. It makes me thankful that my family is healthy and that we are all together right now. I am so grateful for that. As I read Nancy Tillman's "Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You" tonight to my peanut, I couldn't help but hold her close and just savor the feeling of her warm little body next to mine. It's the little things that make this life so beautiful.

my 14 months old peanut
She is such a sweetheart! Both costumes are adorable!
ReplyDeletethanks Mary! :)