Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring, Sickness, and More Signs You're a New Mommy

Thank goodness for spring! That was one heck of a winter. Last week I lost my voice and had a horrible cold, then got the flu on the weekend, and then this week got another cold. Luckily my mother in law and Birdy came to the rescue to help with peanut! I am looking forward to green grass, light rains, bunny rabbits jumping around, and pastel colors. And no more winter or random 40 degree temperature drops! Ahh, Spring is such a refreshing time of year!

grandbidy pushing Charlotte in the stroller on a spring day

So what else is going on with us? Charlotte is keeping us quite busy! She's been sitting in her big girl highchair more and more and crawling at the speed of lightning. She also does this thing where she gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth - I think she's prepping herself for standing! Uh oh, might be time to officially baby proof the house and lower the crib. Although if I lower the crib, I have a feeling I'm going to need to get a step stool in order to pick her up/put her down (short mom alert).

We recently had her seven month photos taken at Target and I am so pleased with how they turned out. Here's a sneak peak:

in her tutu outfit from grandbidy at her 7 month photo shoot

She was so good the entire time, and we even made it through 3 outfit changes! I'll share more photos in the coming weeks.

The other day I was pumping gas and had to pay inside (so 1997, right?) and the cashier looked at my ID, looked at me, looked at my ID, and finally said, "Is this really you?"

Which brings me to my next segment, more signs you're a new mommy:

1. Apparently your ID from two years ago will become unrecognizable as the dark circles, 2 inch roots that you haven't had a chance to touch up, and stretch pant wardrobe become your new staples. You'll also want to smack that cashier and anyone else that dare comment on your fading looks.

2. You're finally getting the hang of this mom stuff! When you get the baby to sleep with absolutely zero crying you feel a sense of pride and you want to high five someone.

3. You are overprotective. Majorly. I recently had a little bit of an issue where school didn't give Charlotte her third bottle of the day - even though they said she had. You would have thought I was a wild lioness protecting her cub from a stampede with the look I gave them! We haven't had any problems with bottles since then.

4. Your laundry room looks like a scene from the movie Twister - time for laundry, yeah right?!

5. You accidentally joined Pinterest and have no idea how to quit. Each notification that someone new is following you brings on a chuckle.

6. Your idea of a wild Saturday night involves one Hoegarden and an episode of "Living Alaska."

7. Shopping for clothes for yourself is as painful as trying on a swimsuit. Much easier to pick up some baby items instead.

8. You bond with women now when they notice they're carrying the same breast pump as you. Best 30 second conversations you'll have walking into work!

9. Your patience with the baby can be endless. Your patience for stupidity, especially at the workplace, is nonexistent.

10. You can't believe how fast your baby is growing before your eyes. Everyone said it would fly - and boy, were they right!

Thanks for reading. I am so excited for Charlotte's first Easter (she has a super cute Easter dress too - courtesy of Grandbirdy) that I can't wait to share with you all. Take care and get outside for some fresh air!